IT Information and Privacy Statement

Computer Security and Safety

Students are responsible for maintaining their computers and computing devices in order to complete course work on time. This includes keeping your computer secure, free of malware, and fully functional. In general it is recommended to run security software on every machine. Also it is recommended use a UPS or a surge protector.

Virus Protection and Firewall

You should run firewall software on any computer connecting to any wireless network. Microsoft Windows and Mac iOS both have built-in firewalls. Computers must be running virus protection with a virus pattern that is no more than 30 days old to be reasonably protected from malware. It is best to update the virus pattern or virus definitions every day. Several anti-malware and general computer security resources are listed below for your convenience. Baptist University of Florida makes no guarantee as to the quality or effectiveness of these products.

No-charge examples: (For Windows & Mac OS)

Microsoft (free for home users)
Sophos (free for home users)
OpenDNS (a web content filtering and security solution)


Sophos Mobile Security
Norton Mobile Security

Subscription-based examples:


System Updates

Regularly install security patches on your computer operating system.
Windows Update Information
Security Updates for Mac OS X
It is also recommended to use a battery back-up or a UPS

Online Safety and Privacy

Please take the time to educate yourself about computer online safety. There are many excellent resources available to you concerning this topic including Microsoft's online safety and privacy informationMicrosoft Security help and support is available for the home user to help you obtain support for security-related issues
such as viruses and security updates.

Website Privacy Statement

Revised 9/10/2009


Baptist University of Florida (BUF) privacy statement applies to the University's primary domain name ( and all its sub domains, including MyBUF ( These separate domains are referred to collectively as the BUF Website. BUF strives to protect users' privacy and confidential information. BUF will make efforts to ensure that changes to this privacy statement are reflected on the BUF home page. However, the failure of BUF to post changes to this privacy statement shall not prevent any changes from becoming effective in any instance, whether retroactively or prospectively.

Data Collection and Usage

BUF collects data from users to help fulfill the mission of the University. The information collected by BUF is voluntarily provided by the user in connection with the completion of online forms or by the user's web browser to facilitate communication with the BUF Website. Collected information is not sold, loaned, or shared with outside entities except where required by law or to fulfill the mission of the University. BUF complies with the federal Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) which protects student records. Please refer to BUF's FERPA policy for information about the release of student directory information.

General Internet Information

BUF cannot guarantee the privacy of any data while in transit to or from the BUF Website. Information submitted through forms on the BUF Website containing Social Security numbers or credit card information is protected through HTTPS encryption. Also, all transactions and information passed through MyBUF are encrypted. However, users of wireless Internet access are at greater risk of personal information being revealed.

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